Blog Archive

Sunday 30 November 2014

Week #12 SLOG to end all SLOGs

The time has come, the time to write the final SLOG.It has been confusing and harsh, however its been fun to input new information into my head. I remember when I first came to this lecture, I wondered for about 2 weeks what the purpose of lecture was. It was way later in the lecture that I found the connection between my other CS courses. Here are the essential information I learned (except for the course materials, they are always essential!):

>Learn to use LaTeX or just get familiar with using Microsoft Word math symbols.
Learn them 

>Tutorials are essential, they make everything crystal clear and you get tested!

>Logic is just 'Logic' its not hard when you think about them.

literally calm down
>Assignments are hard, like really hard so you better get some help.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Week #11 Halting before my eyes.

This class is coming to an end and it was a quick ride, to be honest. I guess it feels quick because of all the crazy assignments and mid-terms.

We learned the halt of a program, which I think is the very basic of the computer science, but still very important. While I had experiences with the infinite loops and how to halt the loops, it is always hard for me and probably for a lot of people. 

n = 20

While n < 30:
     print("This doesn't halt")
     n = n - 1 

Sunday 16 November 2014

Week #10 I don't know why but I love bubble sorts!

The different types of sorts are quite interesting. Other than the fact that the some sorts are faster and more efficient than the other, the ways of organizing the list is very intriguing. Even though bubble sort is quite slow and inefficient, I personally like the way its sorts lists. The way it completes the list carefully from the start makes most sense compared to other sorts

Credit to for the image

Sunday 9 November 2014

Week #9 The Big Oh 'my god: the second test'

Honestly, I didn't get much on the first week of the Big Oh. However after the tutorial(which is always a lifesaver), I found it out that its not as confusing as I thought it would be. The more questions I did in the tutorial, lectures, and at home, I feel better about Big Oh.(Thank goodness)

The second test was way better than the first one. The reason for this is because I managed to make the greatest cheat sheet for the test! Other than the third question, I am sure that I almost got everything for the test.

Thank god the mid-terms are over!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Week #8 The Big Oh 'my god'

Worst cases? Best Cases? and the Big Oh.
When I was first coming to U of T to learn more about Computer Science, I did not expect all these 'information'. While I understand the uses of Big Oh, which is to find worst cases of a logarithm, I would have never expected to learn this. However when I think again though, since Time is money, it makes a lot of sense to learn these. 

Sunday 26 October 2014

Week #7 Pennies!

I thought the problem we received Friday was quite entertaining yet hard. The wording of the sentence was quite confusing though. I thought we had to find 2 numbers that cannot be made by using 2 rules but I ended up figuring out what we actually had to do. The proofs, in my opinion, is the hardest topic I learned until now probably because I really didn't do much of them in high school nor seen them much in my education. I find it that proofs are hard because we need to think in so many different ways that I don't know how to approach them.

First, we tried to generalize the problem by defining all the numbers that we know that it must be possible to create by either L or R:
( 2n, 64 - 2n ) n ∈ ℤ, 0 ≤ n ≤ 6

Using this we were able to generate all the even numbers should we apply one and only one operation. However we realized that the sum of pennies will always be 64, since no pennies are ever removed from the two piles. Knowing this, we used our formula of generating even number and added and subtracted by one on both sides to determine odd numbers:
( 2n - 1,  65 - 2n ) n ∈ ℤ, 0 ≤ n ≤ 6

Unfortunately this is wrong... It is possible to generate the pair (35, 29) but our formulas have failed to predict it.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Week #6 CSC165 with a taste of MAT137

Did I even learn this is AP classes...?
This week was more of a mesh of events for me because what I learn in CSC165 is also used in MAT137 and it seems like every thing I learn in these both classes seems to overlap to the point where it gets confusing sometimes. The reason for this is because, for example, The way to prove delta and epsilon are different syntax-wise and I find it difficult to remember which one is correct. I find the MAT137 proofs much easier because it has less rules to follow, however it is still confusing. I really hope I can get things straightened out before I mess up on a test or a quiz